Lions Foundations & Projects

Category A

Lions Clubs International Foundation
Personal donations requiring tax deductibility can be made by completing the donation form on the link above.
Club donations should be forwarded to the District
Cabinet Treasurer in the usual way.



Lodge form with District LCIF Chair on completion –

Australian Lions Foundations

Account Name: National Appeal Fund
BSB: 036 048
Account#: 440 704
Reference: National Disaster Appeal

Donations over $2 are tax deductible and every dollar counts.

<<< AWARDS >>>

Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation

Account name: Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation
BSB: 032 188
Account #: 218 939
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARDS >>>

Australian Lions Childhood Research Foundation

Account name: Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation
BSB: 085 397
Account #: 942 947 951
or PayID:
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARD >>>

Category B

Lions Eye Health Program

Account Name: Lions Eye Health Program
BSB: 633 000
Account #: 108 999 475
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARDS >>>

Lions Disaster Relief Australia Project

Lions Need for Feed Australia

Account Name: Need for Feed Australia
633 000
Account #:
185 016 920
Reference: Please include your name or club

See website for tax deductible details.

Lions Junior Public Speaking

Lions Alzheimer's Foundation

Account name: Lions Alzheimer's Foundation Pty Ltd
BSB: 036 034
Account #: 459 164
Reference: Please include your name or club

Other Foundations and Project supported by Lions Clubs

Lions Medical Research Foundation

Account name: Lions Medical Research Foundation
BSB: 484 799
Account #: 450 941 646
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARDS >>>

The Follow Your Dreams Foundation - Australia

Account name: TFYDFA
BSB: 032 000
Account #: 911 601
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARD >>>

Operation Smile Australia

Account name: Brisbane Holland Park Lions Club
BSB: 484 799
Account #: 505 742 242
Reference: Please include your name or club

Lions Cord Blood Foundation

Account name:
Lions Cord Blood Foundation Inc. Trust Fund
BSB: 033 385
Account #: 287 903
Reference: Please include your name or club

Lions Rheumatism and Artritis Foundation

Account name: Lions Rheumatism and Arthritis Medical Research Foundation Australia
BSB: 063 130
Account #: 10 229 690
Reference: Please include your name or club

Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation

Account name: Lions Australia Diabetes Foundation 
BSB: 032 569
Account #: 580 405
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARDS >>>

Lions Camp Duckadang

Account name: Lions Camp Duckadang
BSB: 034 077
Account #: 227 217
Reference: Please include your name or club

Australia Lions Wellbeing Foundation

Account name: Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation
BSB: 633 000
Account #: 208 963 207
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARDS >>>

Lions Eye Institude

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Lions Prostate Cancer Research and Treatment Project

Account name: Lions Prostate Cancer Research and Treatment Project
BSB: 124 151
Account #: 22 447 462
Reference: Please include your name or club

Australian Lions Hearing Dogs

Account name: Australian Lions Hearing Dogs
BSB: 035 094
Account #: 118 965
Reference: Please include your name or club

<<< AWARDS >>>

Lions Recycle for Sight

To send spectacles, hearing aids or unused contact lenses to the Recycle for Sight program please use the address below:

Reply Paid 3021
Lions Recycle for Sight
PO Box 3021

Please remove the glasses from any cases and pop them in a padded bag or bubble wrap.
Please do not send broken spectacles or non prescription sunglasses.

Lions Story Dogs

Account name: Story Dogs 
BSB: 032 584
Account #: 286 132
Reference: Please include your name or club

Lions District 201Q1
Hosted by:

Cabinet Secretary

10/115 Gumtree Street,

Runcorn Qld 4113

Follow Lions District 201Q1

Site Development by:
Skippy Productions
Copyright © Lions 201Q1 2024. All Rights Reserved.
